Pastor John Gowing

I was born 21/10/1959 in Norwich, and since leaving School have worked in Builders Merchants until December 2019 when I was made redundant after working 37 years for Buildbase.

When in Norwich I studied with the Wesleyan Reform Union and qualified to become one of their ministers, and came to Coventry in 1982, I am married to Jill and have three children and three grandchildren.

When I joined the church in 1982, to start with I preached occasionally, helped lead a house group, and took part in the youth meetings. After Pastor Ernie  I was appointed Elder by the church and took on the responsibility of leading the church while still having a full time job. After being made redundant in 2019 and David Walsh leaving the church, the church appointed me as Pastor. If you would like to contact me or phone 07492800249



We also have a leadership team called the church council they are: Mr Keith Dorey, Mr Eddie Orchard. Miss Caroline Moyo, Mr Macfarlaine and Mr Ryan Maphosa